Homily (Reflection) for the Feast of Saint Bartholomew,
Ap. (24th August, 2018) on the Gospel and the Feast
Rev 21:9-14;
Ps 144:10-13.17-18. (R. cf. v. 12);Jn 1:45-51.

Topic: We are merely channels.
In today’s gospel, Philip found Nathaniel and said to him,
“We have found him about whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote,
Jesus son of Joseph from Nazareth.” He queried, “Can anything good come out of
Nazareth?” Philip simply answered, “Come and see.” This simple invitation led
him to exclaim, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!”
Philip only invited Bartholomew to come and experience Jesus.
He only served as a channel through which the gospel reached him. On the
contrary, we often create bigger problems trying to convince others. Many are professional
and international liars all in the name of preaching the gospel. However, when one
looks closely one thing is always clear, either the disciples are for themselves
or for the father of lies, and never for Christ, cf. Jn 8:44.
As we celebrate Saint Bartholomew, it is important to remind
ourselves that we have only one teacher and that we all are brothers and
sisters, cf. Matt 23:8. The work of
spreading the Good News is God’s. We are only mere instruments. Hence, Saint
Paul acknowledged, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth” (1Cor 3:6). Losing sight of this brings
about divisions which is contrary to the mind of Christ, cf. Jn 17:21. We ought to take others to
Christ who is our Teacher and Master, never to ourselves or the devil, cf. Matt 10:24-25.
Bible Reading: Matt 11:25-30.
Thought for today: Bring people to the Master.
Let us pray: May God almighty give us the grace
to know Him better – Amen.
Saint Bartholomew – Pray for us.
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