Homily (Reflection) for Monday of the
Second Week in Ordinary Time (II) (15th January, 2018) on the Gospel
1Sam 15:16-23;
Ps 49:8-9.16-17.21.23 (R. v.23);
Mk 2:18-22.
Topic: Finding others’ faults.

The people expected the disciples of Jesus to fast just as
those of John the Baptist and the Pharisees were doing. They would have made
John, the Pharisees, and Jesus to be synonymous first, cf. Mk 2:21-22.
In our everyday lives many spend the greater part of their
lives either living other people’s lives or trying to make others live as they
want. Others spend time looking for those who do not live as they should.
The more one focuses on others’ faults the more he or she
forgets about his or her own faults which might be more than the one/s he/she
finds in others, cf. Matt 7:3-5. We are
to be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers but we must first keep ourselves to be
able to keep others.
Bible Reading: Matt 7:1-5.
Thought for today: Focus on correcting yourself first.
Let us pray: Lord, help us in our struggle to be
better – Amen.
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