Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial
of Saint Gregory the Great, Pp. D. (03rd September, 2019) on the
Gospel and the Memorial
1Thess 5:1-6.9-11;
Ps 26:1.4.13-14. (R. v.13);
Lk 4:31-37.

Topic: Our Teacher is our Healer.
In today’s gospel, the people were amazed at Jesus’ teaching
at Capernaum on a Sabbath because He spoke with authority. He also commanded
the demon in a demoniac and it came out of him without harming him. In
amazement, the people kept saying, “What kind of utterance is this? For with
authority and power he commands the unclean spirits, and out they come!”
Jesus is both our teacher and our healer. His word instructs
and heals, cf. Matt 8:8. He desires all
men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, cf. 1Tim 2:4. Hence, prophet Hosea invites
all, “Come, let us return to the LORD; for it is he who has torn, and he will
heal us; he has struck down, and he will bind us up” (Hos 6:1).
And “whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction,
that by steadfastness and by the encouragement of the scriptures we might have
hope” (Rom 15:4; cf. 1Cor 10:11).
Jesus invites all to come to Him with their burdens, cf. Matt 11:28. Whoever lacks wisdom should not hesitate to approach
God who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be
given him, cf. Jas 1:5.
My dear brothers and sisters, we ought to come to Jesus with
all our challenges. He is ever ready to help us. But He expects us to come with
faith, cf. Heb 10:22.38; Jas 1:6. “The
LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks him” (Lam 3:25). While we approach God for teaching
and healing, we should not forget the afflictions of our brothers and sisters after
the example of Saint Gregory the Great.
Bible Reading: Jer 17:14-18; Hos 6:1-3.
Thought for today: Jesus has all the answers.
Let us pray: Lord, free all who are under every
form of demonic attack and manipulations – Amen.
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