Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial
of Saint Lucy, V.M., (13th December, 2017) on the Gospel and the
(Wednesday of the Second Week of Advent (II))
Is 40:25-31;
Ps 102:1-4.8.10. (R. v.1);
Matt 11:28-30.

Topic: Come to me, (Matt 11:28).
In today’s gospel, Jesus asks all who are weary and are
carrying heavy burdens to come to Him and have rest. The gospel reads further:
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is
light” (Matt 11:29-30).
The book of Lamentations is unambiguous that what brings
about true heavy burdens is sin, cf. Lam
1:14; cf. Hos 11:7. Hence Saint
Paul admonishes us not to submit again to the yoke of sin, cf. Gal 5:1. The book of Lamentation reads
further: “With a yoke on our necks we are hard driven; we are weary, we are
given no rest” (Lam 5:5).
God asks us in today’s gospel to come to Him and have the
troubling and tiring yokes removed from us, cf. Nah 1:13. We are left with two options – either to go to God and be
freed or remain with our heavy burdens.
No matter how bad you think your situation is, be certain
that nothing is too hard for God, cf. Gen
18:14; Jer 32:17,27. The blood of our Lord can make the best out of us, cf.
Is 1:18. We ought to follow the example
of Saint Lucy who turned to God undaunted by the anger of the rejected suitor and
the persecution of the governor. Make the best out of your state today by leaning
on Jesus.
Bible Reading: Nah 1:12-15.
Thought for today: Are you under any yoke?
Let us pray: God, help us to be free from every
yoke of sin – Amen.
Saint Lucy – Pray for us.
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