Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial of Saint
Elizabeth of Hungary, Rel., (17th November, 2016) on the Gospel and
the Memorial
Rev 5:1-10;
Ps 149:1-6.9. (R. Rev 5:10);Lk 19:41-44.

Topic: Recognising the time.
Jesus wept over Jerusalem in today’s gospel because she failed
to recognise the things that make for peace. He prophesied that the days would
come when her enemies would set up ramparts around her, surround her, hem her
in on every side, and crushed her and her children to the ground. They would
not leave within her a stone upon another. All because she did not recognise
the time of her visitation from God.
Equally, many till today do not recognise often the time of their
visitation from God. They spend time searching for it, keep procrastinating the
time they will do this good or that. In the second letter of Saint Paul to Corinthians
we read, “Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of
salvation” (2Cor 6:2). Whoever wants
to be acceptable to God must serve Christ (disciple), cf. Rom 14:18.
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary recognised the time of her visitation
from God. She spent herself completely serving God and her brothers and sisters.
We ought to follow her and stop procrastinating for tomorrow may be too late.
Bible Reading: 2Cor
Thought for today: Now is the favourable time.
Let us pray: Lord, give us the grace to make the
best out of every second we have – Amen.
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary – Pray for
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