Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial of Saint Martin
De Porres, Rel., (3rd November, 2016) on the Gospel and the Memorial
Phil 3:3-8;
Ps 104:2-7. (R. v.3);Lk 15:1-10.
Topic: Each is particularly important.
Today’s gospel is made up of two parables; the parable of the
lost sheep (Lk 15:4-7), and the
parable of the lost coin (Lk 15:8-10).
Verses 1-3 serve as introduction to these parables.
In the first parable, one who loses a sheep out of a hundred
will leave ninety-nine and search for it. Similarly, in the second one, a woman
with ten silver coins, if she loses one will light a lamp, sweep the house, and
search carefully for it. Both will rejoice if they succeed in finding the lost.
Like the person who had a hundred sheep in the first parable and
the woman who had ten silver coins in the second one, each and every one of us is
blessed with so many things. Every one of them is particularly important. Preserving
them might be very difficult but the more one achieves the greater the joy.
Saint Martin de Porres was one of those whose lives were
filled with a lot of difficulties. He was never daunted. In our lives, we also experience
a lot of difficulties. We must follow his example who rather remained with God
in prayer.
Bible Reading: Matt
Thought for today: You are particularly important to God.
Let us pray: Lord, help us to actualize every grace
you have given us – Amen.
Saint Martin De Porres – Pray for us.
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