Homily (Reflection) for Friday of the
Seventh Week in Ordinary Time (I) (24th February, 2017) on the
Sir 6:5-17;
Ps 118: (R. v.35);Mk 10:1-12.
Topic: Marriage is for life.
Some Pharisees to test Jesus asked Him in today’s gospel, “Is
it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” And in response to Jesus’ question they
further said that Moses allowed a man to divorce his wife with a dismissal
certificate. But Jesus told them point-blank that it was as a result of their
hardness of heart and took them back to its origin,

However, the fall of mankind affected even the nature of marriage,
cf. Gen 3:9-12. Christ redeemed
everything and reinstated marriage to its original state, indissolubility, cf. Jn 10:10; Lk 1:68; Tit 2:13-14.
Regrettably, the state of marriage today seems to be worse than
it was when the Pharisees asked this question. People took time to prepare
certificates of dismissal before divorcing. Marriage is today for fun instead of
for life as God ordained it. Although many factors attack marriage today, we
shall point out just one. God has been expelled from the marriage He instituted,
cf. Mal 1:6. That couple of Cana in
Galilee was saved from shame because they invited Jesus, His mother, and His
disciples, cf. Jn 2:1-11. Many
marriages can be saved today only if the couple open the door for God. Finally,
let all hold marriage in honour and respect the sanctity of the marriage bed.
God will judge the immoral and adulterous, cf. Heb 13:4.
Bible Reading: 1Cor 7:25-40.
Thought for today: Marriage is ordained by God.
Let us pray: God, help us to realize and to
respect your intention for marriage – Amen.
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