Homily (Reflection) for Wednesday after Epiphany of the Lord (6th January, 2016)

1Jn 4:11-18;
Ps 71:1-2.10-13. (R. cf. v. 11)
Mk 6:45-52.

Topic: We need Jesus.

After feeding the five thousand in yesterday’s gospel Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side, Bethsaida. And after saying farewell to the people, he went up to the mountain and prayed. But “When He saw that they were straining at the oars against an adverse wind, he came towards them early in the morning, walking on the sea” (Mk 6:48). Immediately he got into the boat with them the wind ceased. And they were utterly astounded.

It is important to remember always that Jesus is the vine and we the branches. Apart from Him none of us can anything good, cf. Jn 15:5. Hence, the disciples were in serious difficulty fighting the wind when they were without Jesus.

We ourselves strain in different ways. And we can have rest only if we are with Jesus. Hence he tells us “Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28). He has the solution to all our problems. Let us therefore go to Jesus because life without Him is full of untold hardships. He will do our battles if we are with him, cf. 1Sam 17:47. And just like the disciples, we will be utterly astounded at what He will do.

Bible Reading: Jn 15:1-10.

Thought for today: You need Jesus.

Let us pray: Jesus, be with us now and forever – Amen.

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Unknown said... 04:33:00

This is very very good act,thank you father,more grace.I had not gotten to this point (to read and comment)for so many reasons.Kudos for your perseverance
