Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial of Saint
Josephat, B.M. (12th November, 2018) on the Gospel and the Memorial
Tit 1:1-9;
Ps 23:1-6. (R. cf. v.6);Lk 17:1-6.

Topic: Leading others astray.
Today’s gospel is taken from the sayings of Jesus on scandal,
forgiveness, and faith. Our homily focuses on scandal.
Jesus warned,
Occasions for stumbling are bound to come, but woe to anyone
by whom they come! It would be better for you if a millstone were hung around
your neck and you were thrown into the sea than for you to cause one of these
little ones to stumble.
It is very important to mark the strong words Jesus used in
this warning. Death will not even be enough punishment. Such persons are not
worthy of having their tombs marked, hence, a millstone around the neck. These
words of Jesus can be likened to the words He used about His would be betrayer,
cf. Matt 26:24; Mk 14:21.
Stumbling/scandal can come through one’s actions, words, and
inactions. Sometimes one is entangled in this mess just to achieve one ulterior
motive or the other. One must do, say, and avoid what he/she ought to. All must
be very careful to avoid whatever is wrong because what one considers light may
not be so for the other person. We ought to follow the example of Saint
Josephat who stood firm to the point of dying in the hands of his enemies for the
Bible Reading: Mal 2:1-9.
Thought for today: Neither stumble nor make anyone stumble.
Let us pray: Lord, help us to gather every
creature to you through our words, actions, and inactions – Amen.
Saint Josephat – Pray for us.
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