Homily (Reflection) for Easter Wednesday
(Wednesday of the Octave of Easter) (04th April, 2018) on the Gospel
Acts 3:1-10;
Ps 104:1-4.6-9. (R. v. 3);
Lk 24:13-35.
Topic: Holy Eucharist (Mass)
Today’s gospel is a follow-up to the gospel of the Easter
vigil of year C (Lk 24:1-12) in
which Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and other women went to
the tomb to anoint Jesus but met an empty tomb. Their story seemed to both the
apostles and their companions an idle tale.

Holy Eucharist (Mass) is made up of two main parts
(liturgies), liturgy of the Word (readings, homily, and general intercessions),
and the liturgy of the Eucharist (presentation of the bread and wine, the
consecratory thanksgiving, and communion)[1].
And in today’s gospel, Jesus our eternal high priest did it Himself. Hence our
topic, Holy Eucharist (Mass) celebrated
by Jesus Himself. Jesus is both the victim and the priest in every Mass[2].
It is very important to remind ourselves just three things
based on today’s reading. First, it is vital to invite Jesus into our lives and
into every situation we find ourselves in. Again, the risen Lord is always
present at the Mass as promised, cf. Matt
18:20. And again, each of the two main parts of the Mass is as important as
the other. Therefore, both the priests and the congregation must not make light
of any.
Bible Reading: 1Cor 11:23-31.
Thought for today: There is power in the Holy Mass.
Let us pray: Eucharistic Jesus, help us to
understand and to benefit from every Holy Mass – Amen.
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