Homily (Reflection) for Thursday
after Ash Wednesday (15th February, 2018) on the Gospel
Deut 30:15-20;
Ps 1:1-4.6. (Ps 39:5);
Lk 9:22-25.
Topic: The third day.

Afterwards, He warned, “If any want to become my followers,
let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me” (Lk 9:23). Elsewhere He also warned, “you
will be hated by all for my name's sake” (Matt
10:22a; Mk 13:13a). Although these warnings are somehow scary He also
consoles, “But he who endures to the end will be saved” (Matt 10:22b; Mk 13:13b). In the gospel according to Saint John we also
read, “I will raise him up at the last day” (Jn 6:44).
The last two verses of today’s gospel ought to ring like bells
always in our ears: “For those who want to save their life will lose it, and
those who lose their life for my sake will save it. What does it profit them if
they gain the whole world, but lose or forfeit themselves?” (Lk 9:24-25).
Trying to please the world is very dangerous. Hence James
warns, “Unfaithful creatures! Do you not know that friendship with the world is
enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes
himself an enemy of God” (Jas 4:4).
Christ’s story did not end in great suffering, rejection, and
death but in His resurrection on the third day. The third day comes after other
days (tribulations). Christians must live for the third day because there are
so many good things reserved for that day, cf. 1Cor 15:13-14.
Reading: Gal 5:16-26.
Thought for today: Live for the third day.
Let us pray: God grant us your grace to live for
the world to come – Amen.
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