Homily (Reflection) for the Feast of
the Exaltation (Triumph) of the Cross (14th September, 2017) on the
Gospel and the Feast
Num 21:4-9;
Ps 77:1-2.34-38. (R.v.7);
Phil 2:6-11;
Jn 3:13-17.

Topic: Pick it up.
Jesus told Nicodemus that only He, the Son of Man, has
ascended to heaven. He must be lifted up, “that whoever believes in him may
have eternal life”. God loves the world to the point “that he gave his only
Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal
life.” He did not send the Son to condemn the world but to save the world
through Him.
Today’s gospel brings out the link between faith and
salvation. Eternal life (salvation) is the outcome of believing in Jesus Christ,
cf. Rom 10:13; Acts 16:31. Believing
in Him entails doing what He tells us, cf. Matt
Jesus tells us, “I am the door; if any one enters by me, he
will be saved...” (Jn 10:9).
Entering through Him implies following Him. And it requires one denying
him/herself and coming with his/her own cross, cf. Matt 10:38. 16:24; Lk 9:23. 14:27.
Carrying cross involves self abasement, cf. Matt 27:42; Mk 15:32. It demands
humility, cf. Phil 2:6-8. It is not a
matter of compulsion like in the case of Simon of Cyrene, Matt 27:32; Mk 15:21; Lk 23:26. It must be total and willingly too,
cf. 2Cor 9:7; Philem 1:14. However, attitude
towards the cross might render it powerless, cf. 1Cor 1:17.
Denying oneself and picking cross call for Christlike attitude
before any cross God wills for one, cf. Matt
6:10. 26:42; Lk 22:42; Acts 21:14. Cross in question is far from two
pieces of wood joined together. It is found in the undesirables that come one’s
Before Christ died on the cross, it was something cursed and
whoever dies on it is cursed, cf. Gal
3:13. However, Christ redefined the cross by carrying and dying on it.
Hence Saint Paul writes, “But far be it from me to glory except in the cross of
our Lord Jesus Christ...” (Gal 6:14).
It is disheartening that many still live with the old meaning of the cross
thereby making themselves its enemies, cf. Phil
3:18. Every child of God ought to pick his/her own cross and follow Christ
as required.
Bible Reading: Phil 3:16–4:1; Col 1:15-23. 2:6-15.
Thought for today: ...take up your cross daily and follow Jesus, cf. Lk 9:23.
Let us pray: Lord, give me the heart to accept
any cross you will for me – Amen.
Jesus Christ crucified on the cross –
Have Mercy on us.
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