Homily (Reflection) for Monday of the
Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time (I) (10th July,
2017) on the Gospel
Gen 28:10-22;
Ps 90:1-4.14-15. (R. cf. v.2);
Matt 9:18-26.
Topic: Never lose it.
In today’s gospel, a leader of the synagogue came to Jesus,
knelt down and said to Him, “My daughter has just died; but come and lay your
hand on her, and she will live.” On His way to the house of the leader, a woman
who had suffered from haemorrhages for twelve years came up behind Him and
touched the fringe of His cloak, for she had said to herself, “If I only touch
his cloak, I will be made well.”
It is beyond human to give life, cf. 2Kg 5:7; 1Tim 6:13. Saint Mark described more vividly the case of
the woman who suffered from haemorrhages, “Now there was a woman who had been
suffering from haemorrhages for twelve years. She had endured much under many
physicians, and had spent all that she had; and she was no better, but rather
grew worse” (Mk 5:25-26).
The leader whose daughter was dead and the woman can be described
as people hoping against hope. However their cases were not impossible for God,
cf. Matt 19:26; Mk 9:23.10:27. With
this in mind they searched for Jesus. Although one lost his daughter and the
other ‘everything’, yet there was something remaining, their faith in God which
was rewarded in today’s gospel.
What about your own case? Never think it is hopeless. Always hold your faith
in God who has the answer to all situations firm.
Reading: Ps 13:1-6; 23: 1-6.
Thought for today: Nothing is hopeless with God.
Let us pray: Lord, look favourably on the cries
of all those who placed their trust in you – Amen.
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