Homily (Reflection) for Fourth Sunday of
Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday) (C) (12th May, 2019) on the Gospel
Acts 13:14.43-52;
Ps 99:1-3.5. (R.v. 3);Rev 7:9.14-17;
Jn 10:27-30.
Topic: Christ and His flock.

Today’s gospel forms part of Jesus’ response to the Jews who came
to Him and asked: “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the
Messiah, tell us plainly” (Jn 10:24).
And in today’s gospel Jesus said to them: “My sheep hear my voice. I know them,
and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish.”
It might be difficult to see anyone who will admit that he/she is not
Christ’s sheep. In Christ’s response to the Jews we see listening to His voice
and following Him as distinguishing characteristics of Christ’s sheep. Based on
these, we ask: ‘How many listen to Christ’s voice toady?’ Again, ‘Do we really follow
A string ensemble was rehearsing for their concert at a
downtown church. The evening’s programme included a wonderful piece for the
oboe. The oboist was exceptionally talented, but for some reason, the music
sounded terrible.
The leader of the ensemble insisted that the oboe was out of
tune, so the oboist adjusted the reed of her instrument to bring it in tune
with the other instruments. But the music continued to sound distorted and out
of key. The other musicians were becoming increasingly critical and impatient.
After several attempts, the leader proposed that the oboe part be dropped from
the piece.
An elderly gentleman was sitting in the church during the
ensemble’s rehearsal. He quietly went to the leader during a break in their
practice and said, “Please forgive my intruding, but don’t orchestras tune
their instruments to the oboe?” The members of the ensemble were dumbfounded.
They had overlooked a basic performance principle: an oboe sounds the proper
pitch – it was the other instruments, tuned to one another, that were out of
tune. When the other musicians tuned their instruments to the oboe, the music
began to sound like music again.[1]
It never worked for the ensemble because other instruments are
to be tuned to the oboe. Similarly, we are to listen to Christ and to follow
Him and not the reverse. And until we do our part, the harmony that ought to
exist between Christ, the good Shepherd and His sheep will continue to elude
us. A sheep can never be the shepherd of its shepherd, cf. Matt 10:24.
Again, a shepherd in Scotland when asked if his sheep would
follow the voice of a stranger replied: “Yes, when they are sick; but never
when they are well. A sick sheep will follow anybody.”[2]
In the same way, Christ’s sheep must follow the voice of Christ the good
Shepherd. Irrespective of how others appear and/or speak, they come only to
steal and kill and destroy, cf. Jn
Bible Reading: Jn 15:1-17; Eph 1:17-23; Col
Thought for today:
Christ is the head of the Church.
Let us pray: Christ the good Shepherd, assist us
to listen to you and to follow you alone – Amen.
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