Homily (Reflection) for Easter Saturday (Octave of Easter: Saturday) (27th April, 2019) on the Gospel
Acts 4:13-21;
Ps 117:1.14-21 (R. v. 21);
Mk 16:9-15.

Topic: Never write off.
Today’s gospel is from the longer ending of Saint Mark’s gospel. The gospel tells us that Jesus after His resurrection appeared first to Mary Magdalene. She related that to His disciples who were mourning and weeping, but they did not believe her story. He later appeared to two of His disciples but the rest did not believe them.
Jesus later appeared to the eleven while they were at table. He first scolded them for their lack of faith and stubbornness. And then said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.”
Mary Magdalene, the first to witness Christ’s resurrection was a demoniac. Jesus had cast out seven demons from her. Just imagine her condition before her deliverance, cf. Mk 5:2-5. On the other hand, the eleven Jesus commissioned to take the gospel to all creatures did not only lack faith but were also very stubborn. Yet Jesus did not write any of them off. Instead, He corrected them for good.
The book of Proverbs reads, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov 22:6). It is never a sign of love to condone any form of evil. God reproves all whom He loves like a father, cf. Prov 3:12; Heb 12:6.
Let us therefore keep correcting each other. Whatever is wrong today calls for correction for a better tomorrow. We will end up endangering our tomorrow if we fail to correct anything today under the pretext of love or hate.
Bible Reading: Heb 12:5-13.
Thought for today: Let’s correct each other.
Let us pray: Lord, help us correct each other for your greater glory and for our safer tomorrow – Amen.
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