Homily (Reflection) for Saturday of
the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time (I) (05th August, 2017) on the
Lev 25:1.8-17;
Ps 66:2-3.5.7-8. (R. v.4);
Matt 14:1-12.
Topic: When ego becomes centric.

When Herod could think about someone else, he thought about himself.
He commanded that John’s head be given to the girl because he was thinking
about himself alone. Otherwise, what else could have removed the fear of the
crowd in him? His thought of his oath and what his guests would think of him
carried the day. The anger in Herodias set fire that could not be quenched by
Herod’s feeling of extreme sadness.
Often we see both Herod and Herodias at play in us. Let no
one allow anger to lead him/her into sin, cf. Eph 4:26. And “Let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow
to anger” (Jas 1:19). We are nothing
without God, cf. 2Cor 3:5. We must
glorify God in everything we do, cf. 1Cor
Bible Reading: 2Cor 4:1-10.
Thought for today: Worship God alone.
Let us pray: May God help us to do His will always
– Amen.
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