Homily (Reflection) for Thursday of the First Week in
Ordinary Time (I) (12th January, 2017) on the Gospel
Ps 94:6-11. (R. v. 8);
Mk 1:40-45.
Topic: Nevertheless, do good.
A leper came to Jesus and pleaded conditionally: “If you
choose, you can make me clean”. After the healing, Jesus warned him sternly in
these words before sending him away: “See that you say nothing to anyone; but
go, show yourself to the priest, and offer for your cleansing what Moses
commanded, as a testimony to them” (Mk
1:44). However, the man “went out and began to proclaim it freely, and to
spread the word ....” (Mk 1:45).
Jesus knows everything including that the man would not
adhere to His instructions, cf. Jn 16:30;
21:17. There are many passages in the bible that attest to this fact, cf. Jn 6:61; Lk 11:17; Matt 12:25; Mk 12:15
and so on. Yet He went ahead and healed him.

Bible Reading: Phil
Thought for today: Look beyond the person you see.
Let us pray: Lord, give us the power to do good always
– Amen.
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