Homily (Reflection) for
the Thirtieth Sunday of the Year, (C) (23rd October, 2016) on the Gospel
Ps 32:2-3.17-19.23.
(R. v. 7);2Tim 4:6-8.16-18;
Lk 18:9-14.
One man after
admiring his new car parked and covered it in his car park. He did this because
he judged the car too good for the road and again, he thought that nobody from
their community and its’ environs could afford that in the near future. Other
people were already driving even newer models of that car he parked when he
brought it out. People hardly noticed it because although it was still new but
it was an older model.
Topic: The problem with the self.
We do focus on external forces
whereas the force challenging is within. Unless one is able to look beyond him/herself,
he/she cannot see things as they are. Some see themselves as better than the
rest of men and women whereas some others see nothing good in themselves. For those
in both camps, there is hardly any room for improvement. They always see their
ideas and ways of doing things no matter how awkward they are as the best. However,
we always have reasons why we must humble ourselves because humility is the
sure road to honour, cf. Prov 15:33; 18:12;
22:4; Ps 149:4, Jas 4:10.

On the other hand, the tax collector who stood far off and
could not look up to heaven prayed beating his breast, “God, be merciful to me,
a sinner!” According to Barclay, this man considered himself not as a sinner
but the sinner that is the worst sinner as a result of which God favoured him
because of his humility and contrite of spirit, cf. Is 57:15. For us to go home justified, we must imitate the tax
collector. Although all our sins are well-known to God, He wants us to
acknowledge and confess them because “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to
the humble” (1Pt 5:5).
Barclay outlined a number of problems with pride. They
include that no man who is proud can pray because the gate of heaven is so low
that none can enter it save upon his knees. Again, nobody who despises others
can pray. We are not to lift ourselves above others. And lastly, we are called
to set ourselves beside God. That is we are not called to be better than others
but to be like God himself, cf. Matt
5:48. Hence Jesus said: “…unless your righteousness exceeds that of the
scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matt 5:20).
Pride blinds its victims and just as God asked Pharaoh
through his servants: 'How long will you
refuse to humble yourself before me?” (Ex
10:3), He is asking of how long it will take us to humble ourselves before
him. Because it is only the humble that can serve God and he leads them in what
is right, and teaches them his way (Ps
25:9). In the Second Chronicles, God said “if my people who are called by
my name humble themselves, and pray and
seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven,
and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2Chro 7:14; cf. Ps 18:27).
In Isaiah, God desired to look upon those with humble and contrite spirit, cf. Is 66:2. He dwells “...in the high and
holy place, and also with him who is of
a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to
revive the heart of the contrite” (Is
It is important to always remember that “When pride comes,
then comes disgrace; but with the humble is wisdom” (Prov 11:2). It pays to be humble. Thus St Peter admonishes us,
“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that in due time he
may exalt you” (1Pt 5:6). It is better
to fight the enemy called the self first.
Bible Reading: Is 66:1-2; Jas 4:6-10; Phil
2:1-11; 1Pt 5:1-11; Matt 6: 1-18.
Thought for today: Reconsider your relationship with God and
Let us pray: Lord, may we humbly
accept and appreciate you and all your gifts and our fellow men and women as
ourselves – Amen.
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